You're looking at the loves of my life is what you're looking at
Rudy wanted to know where I did my time
Too broke for Sturgis, where Timmy learned the fine art of fetching sauerkraut
Why'd Jack give me that rock?
Gimme a B! gimme an I! gimme an R! gimme a D!
Motherfucker, if I ever see you in this town again I will fucking bury you in the desert where no one will ever fucking find you
Jingle bells, Batman smells, etc.
9-1-1! 9-1-1! get out of the house!
Look lady, it's not like I don't give a fuck what you're saying, but I don't give a fuck what you're saying
Big Lou and Gayland Hammack run some game
Get me that brown mustard, not that yellow shit
Epilogue : where are they now?