Prologue: Manifesto: a short guide to everything you want
Pt. 1: Unexpected entrepreneurs. Renaissance : you already have the skills you need
you just have to know where to look ; Give them the fish : how to put happiness in a box and sell it ; Follow your passion
maybe : get paid to do what you love by making sure it connects to what other people want ; The rise of the roaming entrepreneur : "location, location, location" is overrated ; The new demographics : your customers all have something in common, but it has nothing to do with old-school categories
Pt. 2: Taking it to the streets. The one-page business plan : if your mission statement is much longer than this sentence, it could be too long ; An offer you can't refuse : the step-by-step guide to creating a killer offer ; Launch! A trip to Hollywood from your living room or the corner coffee shop ; Hustling : the gentle art of self-promotion : advertising is like sex
only losers pay for it ; Show me the money : unconventional fundraising from Kickstarter to unlikely car loans
Pt. 3: Leverage and next steps. Moving on up : tweaking your way to the bank : how small actions create big increases in income ; How to franchise yourself : instructions on cloning yourself for fun and profit ; Going long : become as big as you want to be (and no bigger) ; But what if I fail? How to succeed even if your roof caves in on you.